Fresh starting the new year, Universities of the Future consortium met at Porto Design Factory for launching this challenging Knowledge Alliance.

The meeting, held in Portugal on 17, 18 and 19 of January 2018, gathered the 13 partners’ organisations – P.Porto/Porto Design Factory (Portugal), Aalto University (Finland), Warsaw University of Technology (Poland), IKEA Industry (Portugal), Consair (Finland), Willson & Brown (Poland), ANI (Portugal), TEK (Finland), Polish Accreditation Committee (Poland), Platoniq (Spain), Junta – Digital (Portugal), INOVA+ (Portugal) and Aalto University student union (Finland), representing BEST – Board of European Students of Technology.

The discussion was built around the kick-off of the project and definition of next steps, as well as a debate regarding the work packages and outputs expected, in line with the proposal and according to the partners’ views. Some deadlines and results were defined and analysed, aiming to increase the quality of the outcomes produced and enhancing the probability of success.

At the end of the three days’ meeting, UoF also participated in the public debate on the report about the New Industrial Policy for Europe, moderated by Gonçalo Lobo Xavier, from the European Economic and Social Committee.

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