The project landscape will lay the foundations and provide the tone to the subsequent activities of the project, allowing an exhaustive mapping of the state-of-the-art and needs (including drivers and barriers) and the identification of a set of successful practices (programmes and initiatives set in place by “first movers” and respective lessons learnt) which together will contribute to the definition of a blueprint (roadmap) for the Universities of the Future.

This first part of the project compromises 4 main activities that, to be implemented with the involvement of the majority of the partners and main stakeholders, will contribute to:

  • Produce an up-to-date common body of knowledge on Industry 4.0 readiness and related impact on skills shifting, up/re-skilling as well as on the potential of integrating an Education 4.0 framework in universities.
  • Benchmark and showcase international best practices, encourage and support the helix model stakeholders (universities, including students/alumni, business, and governments) to integrate relevant lessons learned in their emerging pathways towards successful regional-driven re-industrialization processes where universities are assumed as a core and gluing sphere.
  • Co-develop a blueprint for enhanced and meaningful cooperation between universities, business, and governments, which will support, leverage and accelerate open, innovative and cooperative practices within the 4th industrial revolution.

Soon the preliminary and final results will be shared here! Stay tuned!

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