The fourth industrial revolution is already changing the skillsets that companies need to acquire, and one can only expect this change to fold at an increasingly fast pace. Within the UoF activities, partners are currently carrying out a compilation of good practices, i.e. successful examples from 4.0 “first movers”. These successful examples will be later benchmarked, showcased and converted into a best practices report/e-book and a promotional video, contributing to encourage key actors to actively participate in the paradigm shift, but also to identify and incorporate relevant lessons learned in their emerging pathways towards successful regional-driven re-industrialization processes.
UoF mission in doing this benchmark is to find creative ways in which people are creating the talent required by industry 4.0. How we are going to do this? By developing a set of 5 to 10 comprehensive benchmarks and 20 to 30 insight benchmarks. Good examples will be selected considering different criteria, covering various geographical regions (Europe, America, Asia, etc.), focusing on diverse levels (national, company, academia and individual, etc.) and considering different viewpoints (such as reactive to change vs. anticipated change, teaching completely new skills vs. improving existing skills, etc.).
The final results of this research are going to be delivered soon, so keep in touch!
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