Nokia Innovation Day of this year occurred last 12th October in the Portuguese branch of this company. Porto Design Factory co-organised the event with Nokia and took this great opportunity to present the “Universities of the Future” project aiming to encourage the public debate on “Education 4.0” and its links to “Industry 4.0”. In an open session about “The Future of Jobs and The Future of Education”, in the context of the 4th industrial and technological revolution, João Queirós from Porto Design Factory and the Polytechnic of Porto participated in a debate that gathered the opinions of several key stakeholders: ANI, the Portuguese Innovation Agency, a project partner, here represented by its President, Eduardo Maldonado; COTEC Portugal, the agency that is responsible for coordinating and monitoring the Portuguese National Strategy for Industry 4.0, represented by its General-Manager, Jorge Portugal; and Jorge Ferreira, Factory Manager, on behalf of IKEA Industry Portugal, another partner of the “Universities of the Future” project.


The debate was an opportunity to raise awareness on our project and to gather several relevant notes on the challenges that Higher Education Institutions, companies and public bodies face regarding the joint effort that will be necessary for dealing with the transformations that will occur in the economy and the labour markets in the next decades. The debate brought up a number of good examples of how public policies and public bodies are favouring the interaction between companies and Higher Education Institutions, and how this is resulting in new, more adequate educational offers. Furthermore, the results were clear for everyone present at the debate: universities should also carry on their role and work as places for abstract, creative, disruptive thinking, theoretical and methodological innovation, and for the strengthening of open, plural citizenship. Universities will maintain their relevance if they’re able to help forge not only the workers of the future, but in fact the citizens of the future.

#universitiesofthefuture #erasmusplus #PPORTO #NOKIA

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