The Universities of the Future partners met once again last week in Warsaw, Poland. For two days, 13th and 14th, the consortium was together to discuss the project’s results and achievements.

The first set of results of the project, under the Work Package 1, “State-of-the-art, best practices, and blueprint for the Universities of the Future” are almost finished. Partners are finalizing the blueprint, which was presented and approached in the meeting.

The small-scale events were also discussed, namely the Igniting Events and the Blueprint Enabling Events. The first set of events is completed, so the feedback received, and lessons learned were presented. The second type, the Enabling Events, is being organized: some of them already happened but many of them didn’t yet. Hence, a global analysis of the results collected at this point was presented as well as some improvement measures for the next events were defined. The Blueprint Enabling Events are important for the development of the Educative Assets, so the comments and suggestions collected will be integrated into the project’s results. The Educative Assets will start to be designed and developed in the next months, so their structure and outline were also discussed and defined in this 3rd consortium meeting.

The preparation for the report on the status of the project that will be developed in the next month for the European Commission services was another point analyzed in the meeting and the actions for its development were discussed among all partners. To finalize the meeting, the next steps of the project were defined, and the dissemination and communication activities’ data were presented to make improvements to the current strategy.

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