On 11 to 13th of September, UoF’s coordinator – P.PORTO – hosted the Train the Trainers’ event targeted to the staff from the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and companies involved in the project.

The course was aimed at developing further the array of Educational Assets that will be soon tested in learning settings, namely: a set of lessons and modules, a collection of short courses and a new post-graduation to be offered jointly by P.PORTO, Aalto University and the Warsaw University of Technology with the direct involvement of the companies (Consair, Willson & Brown and IKEA Industry Paços de Ferreira) and public entities (TEK, PKA and ANI) that compose the partnership. Junta Digital, INOVA+ and Platoniq support this process, providing innovative methods and tools for the testing (which include co-creation techniques and ICT platforms).

Thereby, during the three days, a set of presentations and teamwork activities were developed for participants. In day 1, a presentation of the WP3 was made, focusing on the Post-Graduation, lessons, and the continuos courses within the project. At the end of the first day, a teamwork activity was developed with the aim to define the organization and the final propose of the main WP3 topics. The second day of the event was directed to the methodology of Post-Graduation – Design Thinking and all the contents and activities related. On the third and last day, the main topics presented were about Educative Assets’ evaluation process and calendar, selection process, and the companies challenges. To end day 3 and the event, participants had the opportunity to visit a Demonstration Space about Industry 4.0, which was a great experience and a possibility to know better the subject.


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