This freshly published newsletter will update you on the latest activities within the UoF project! The highlight is on several interesting Igniting and Blueprint-Enabling events organised in different countries but also on the results of the 3rd transnational meeting.


Universities of the Future partners, including higher education institutions, business, public authorities, and students/alumni associations, organized series of Blueprint-Enabling Events targeting different players and aimed at debating possible ways of modernising higher education offer to meet the demands of Industry 4.0 and the challenges of new skills and new jobs. These events create opportunities for networking, sharing practices and debate emergent topics and priorities. Hosting partners and their teams transferred and put into practice the learnings and tools acquired during a training course (previously) designed and implemented within the project.

During this process, partners had also the chance to meet in Warsaw for the 3rd transnational meeting, capitalising the findings of these events to develop the project educational assets (lessons, training courses, and joint post-graduation). This meeting offered the perfect context for finetuning the plan for the upcoming activities, which include the organisation of training course targeted to staff working in academia and businesses sectors and aimed at narrowing down and completing the outlines of the resources.

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