Even at distance, the UoF is never isolated from you!
Due to the current and sensitive situation of COVID-19, and following the recommendations of WHO and national directorates of health, the UoF consortium is postponing all the events and activities that involve unnecessary social interactions and clusters of people.
Following this, the last set of national short-courses duration for professionals (Portugal, Poland and Finland) and some activities of the Joint Post-Graduation in Industry 4.0 are being canceled and postponed. Regarding the Post-Graduation, only the distance-learning component as being implemented, which means that the expected Bootcamp for the beginning of the PG will occur later, as well as the face-to-face classes.
For the participants enrolled in the short-courses, the UoF consortium will enter in contact with you for more information and clarifications, supporting you in whatever you need.
The consortium is aware of all the updating news and guidelines for this critical situation, and we will keep you in touch with everyone within the Universities of the Future project.
Stay safe, stay home, and let’s make this stops!
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