Universities of the Future main results and activities, co-developed by key players of the quadruple helix, can be summarised as follows:  

Consists of a roadmap on the current state-of-play and lessons learnt by “first movers” successful example, which explores different scenarios and establishes a strategy and action plan, providing useful recommendations for the main stakeholders.

Reflect a creative and innovative approach for meaningful and fruitful collaboration opportunities within and between members of the quadruple helix, translated in different types of events:

– Igniting events – to showcase best practices and encourage further involvement;

– Blueprint enabling events – to share experiences and discuss relevant topics related to industry/education 4.0;

– Blueprint co-creation units – to strengthen university-business cooperation through work-based sessions;

– Forward-looking sessions with mirror groups – to discuss emerging issues within industry/education 4.0.

Entails a set of resources composed by:

– Lessons – targeted to students enrolled in HE degrees and are aimed to enrich current curricular units of different HE courses;

– Continuous training programmes/short-courses – aimed to expand HEIs lifelong learning offer and to provide innovative training paths to adult learners, interested in re/upskilling their knowledge and skills in topics related to industry 4.0;

– Joint post-graduation course – aimed at developing key competencies on workers interested in having an active role in their company’s digital innovation/transformation processes.

Corresponds to step-by-step methodologies, useful exercises and recommendations to guide the creation/upgrade of sound and sustainable strategies and action plans towards industry/education 4.0 (Handbooks for HEIs and Business/Industry) and guide the use of technologies and digital resources as well as innovative/creative methods in their pedagogical approaches (Toolkits for Teachers).

Consists of an innovative Hub reality-conform production environment built-on the knowledge triangle (research, education and innovation) and a two-way knowledge transfer (academia-industry) reflected into types of operational schemes (“factory-to-classroom” and “academia-to-industry”), where users can discover and test approaches or conduct experiments.